Wednesday, June 08, 2016

The Stanford Rape Case

If you don't read Facebook, you will not see what I wrote about this. I am incensed that there is a double standard for sexual responsibility while drunk:

Something in the news caught my eye lately, the case of the Stanford student convicted of rape and sentenced to 6 months in prison. 

Suppose a man and a woman each get drunk, they get into their separate cars and have a collision.  They are both charged with drunken driving, and maybe a few other things. In the Stanford case. the man and the woman get drunk together. She is so drunk she may have passed out, and he is so drunk he seems to have lost any good sense he had while sober. He then acts in a way that gets him "convicted of assault with intent to commit rape of an intoxicated victim and two charges of digitally penetrating an unconscious and intoxicated victim." I am not sure how his intentions could be determined, since he, too, was drunk. As for "two charges of digitally penetrating…", did they charge him separately for each finger? 

Anyhow, he gets 6 months in jail, plus registering for the rest of his life as a sex offender. That is 6 months more than he would have gotten if I had sat on the jury. They both did something drunken and stupid, and nothing at all should have come of it. The so-called victim wouldn't have even remembered, except that 2 Swedish grad students decided to intervene and destroy Brock Turner's life. The drunken woman, who was not even charged with public intoxication, and whose name is shielded from publication, had the guts to make "an emotional statement read in court… describing how the attack has left her emotionally scarred." "Left her emotionally scarred" - a so-called attack that she was so drunk she does not even remember!   

You would think that this unfortunate kid has been punished enough for something millions of us have done. If they imprisoned everybody who has had sex while drunk, they would have to round up millions of men and women. But, no, a whole lot of people are trying to get the judge fired for being too lenient.

Think about it: Have you ever had sex while drunk? I certainly have. And I don't think I deserve to go to jail and be prohibited from living anywhere near a school, park, swimming pool, daycare, or library for the rest of my life.

Brock Turner plans to appeal his sentence. He might as well. A sex offender designation will destroy his life, so he can't do any worse, and next time he might draw a juror like me and get acquitted!