What Should Be Done About Gaza?
Time to stop moralizing, recognize facts and look for practical solutions:
1. The Jews are by far the stronger group, and they are not leaving.
2. The Two-State Solution has failed, especially in Gaza.
3. Ethnic cleansing is the only way to bring lasting peace to the region.
Resettlement for the Gazans would be infinitely preferable to their prospects during the next generation trying to survive in the ruins: it was bad before and it will be worse now. For the moment, most countries don't want Palestinian migrants, and if they admit them they are kept in festering refugee camps, rather than being assimilated as citizens.
This can be fixed with money and diplomacy. For example Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania and Western Sahara, Arabic countries with plenty of space, could be offered billions of dollars to accept Gazan refugees, who would be provided with resettlement grants and living allowances for the first 25 years. Lavish amounts of cash, as well as American diplomatic suasion, would get Gaza's 2.3 millions established in places that would be better for them and for everybody else.
Where would all that money come from?
1. Military savings - Billions would not need to be spent on defense. The latest slice of US aid to Israel is about $17billion, which is more than $7,000 per Gazan. Over the years, the US has given Israel over $300 billion.
2 Real estate - Gaza would be worth trillions. Its redevelopment could create a fund to provide an ongoing pension for all the displaced Gazans, whose biggest problem might be coping with the envy of the citizens of their host countries.
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