In the Netherlands, a politician named Geert Wilders produced a movie called "Fitna", which juxtaposes Muslim terror bombings with quotes from the Koran which advocate violence against unbelievers. Apparently this is an outrageous distortion of the truth, and Muslims worldwide are responding with threats, riots, and murder to show Mr Wilders the error of his ways. Geert Wilders, meanwhile, needs 24/7 police protection to prevent him being assassinated like Theo van Gogh, another Dutch movie maker who made a film the Muslims didn't like.
Click on for "Fitna", an extremely mediocre film that you should watch only because the reaction to it is a gauge of Islamic insanity and of how we in the west are allowing ourselves to be intimidated. If a shitty little movie like this were made about the Catholic Church or Hinduism, nobody would even notice.
The reason the cartoon of Muhammad with a bomb in his turban pissed off the Islamic community so much is that it has a ring of truth, and the truth hurts.
Labels: Dutch, Fitna, Geert Wilders, Islam, Muhammad cartoon, terrorism