Friday, June 30, 2006

Palestinians bring suffering on themselves

Many blogs ask for comments, but the only ones they publish are those that agree with them. Since other blogs will not publish my comments, this is what I think about the Palestinian capture of a young Israeli soldier and the response to it. I invite your comments and will publish them whether I agree with them or not.

Life for Palestinians could be 500% improved if they would stop trying to destroy Israel and work with it instead. They may not like it, but the Jews are there to stay. If they stubbornly chose the path of suffering and death, it is their choice. Palestinians demonstrate again and again that they have no respect for their own lives or anyone else's.


Blogger B-Boy Nothing said...

Ironically enough, recognizing the existence of the Israeli state was something that the Palestinians were getting very close to doing. I know that it seems like the latest in the long line of meaningless documents, but the fact that a large number of very well respected leaders from every movement within the Palestinian camp could get together and draw up an agreement, one that was getting widespread public support, shows that there is a large percentage of the population (likely the majority) that just want a peaceful solution so that they can go back to living their lives.

The larger point to take away from this is that just like everything else, it's not a question of one nation versus another, it's a case of extremists on one side versus extremists on the other side, and an easily swayed and/or largely ambivalent public between them. As the present day is teaching us, it only takes a couple guys with some time on their hands to kidnap another guy and send the whole thing to hell in a handbasket. We shouldn't paint with broad strokes in a situation where an angry man with a cheap gun (from either side) can spark a war.

9:58 PM, July 12, 2006  

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