Sunday, June 25, 2006

Stopping to Smell the Roses

So many people my age suddenly realize that all these years they have never stopped and smelled the roses. My epiphany is that I am past 60 and all I ever did was smell the fucking roses! Saskatchewan farm boy, to university student who couldn't decide on a major, to high school teacher who quit out of boredom, to logger, fisherman, miner, seaman, construction worker.

Finally, since 1977, longshoreman: a job I can handle because I don't have to turn up on any day I choose not to. So long as I put in 800 hours a year, I retain my job and pension credit for that year. The hourly pay is good; I take frequent long holidays, mostly in Latin America.

So what am I bitching about? Probably just grumbling about getting old. Too old for the young women to take me seriously, but still young enough to want them; too old to do a lot of physical things I used to do, but still, in my mind, the same guy who did them 30 years ago. I know all this sounds kind of pathetic but I don't think I am the only one with feelings like this at my time in life. So if you feel kind of like me, or just want to tell me I am a whiner, write and say so. It is nice to connect with someone.


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